Home / Cuisines / Italian / Piacenza

Amazing Italian food in Piacenza, delivered straight to your door.

Piacenza is one of the oldest and smallest cities in Italy and with that comes authentic, gourmet Italian cuisine. Think gnocchi, made of the softest part of the bread, with delicate pinto beans and homemade tomato sauce. Think rice bombs, moulds of rice stuffed with mushrooms and pigeon meat. Dishes of stracotto and braised meats paired with fine wines can make a meal simply delicious. Think Deliveroo, and we will sort your order and bring you the finest Italian food there is to offer.

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Best-rated Italian restaurants in Piacenza

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La tana dei polli

 4.6 Excellent (50+)

I love the food and the serving is huge. I’ll definitely order again.

How Deliveroo works

  1. Order your favourite restaurant dishes

  2. Track your food to your door in real time

  3. Eat food, glorious food!

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