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Amazing Halal food in Roma, delivered straight to your door.

If there’s one thing you can rest assured that Italians do well, it is cooking top quality meat in beautiful ways. That means if you are looking for a takeaway establishment that will give you excellent Halal dishes, you are likely to find one but what if you want to go a step further than that? What if you want restaurant quality food, from the best Halal outlets in Roma, but you are not willing to leave your house to find it?

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Best-rated halal restaurants in Roma

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Chicken Hut - manzoni

 4.0 Good (11)

The meal was great. I guess I overdid it though; the meal was too generous for two people. I guess the family in Italy are really big. I thought it was SA family meal lol

Mandaloun - Lebanese Food

 4.5 Excellent (50+)

The food was amazing! We will order again.


Tasty, but Shawarma was actually a separate portion of chopped meat and rice, expected a more classic variant of it.


 4.7 Excellent (50+)

Excellent. Superb restaurant. I’m persian and this was like homemade food


 4.6 Excellent (50+)

Nice kebab. Would be good if the menu was in English on deliveroo and website. Chips were abit tough - not enough salt. Kebab wrap was very tasty.

Peri Peri Halal Grill

 4.6 Excellent (23)

The food was brilliant.. delivered on time ... flavours were spot on.

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Acqua AcetosaAppiaAppio LatinoArco di TravertinoArdeatinaAuditorium Parco della MusicaAureliaBaldo degli UbaldiBalduinoBattistiniCamillucciaCampi SportiviCampo de' FioriCasal BertoneCasalottiCastel Sant'AngeloCavourCentocelleCiproCirco MassimoCirconvallazione OstienseCirconvallazione SalariaCola di RienzoColli AlbaniColosseoConca D'oroCorneliaCorso FranciaCorso TriesteCorso Vittorio Emanuele IIEsquilinoFarnesinaFlaminia NuovaFlaminioFlemingFontana di TreviFori RomaniGarbatellaGemelliGianicolenseGianicoloGregorio VIIJonioLepantoLodiLUISS Guido CarliLungotevereLungotevere AventinoMaglianaMalatestaMarconiMedaglie d'OroMezzalupettaMonte CervialtoMontecitorioMonteverdeMontiMostaccianoMunicipio Roma XIMunicipio Roma XIIIMunicipio Roma XiVNomentanaOspedale San CamilloOttaviaOttavianoPalmarolaPantheonParco delle Tre FontaneParco di Tor di QuintoParco di Torre FiscaleParco di Villa BorgheseParioliPiazza BolognaPiazza deli GiureconsultiPiazza del PopoloPiazza di SpagnaPiazza EuclidePiazza NavonaPiazza VeneziaPignetoPigneto - PrenestinaPineta SacchettiPiramidePoliclinicoPorta PiaPorta PortesePortonaccioPratiPrati FiscaliPrenestinaPrimavalleQuartiere AfricanoQuartiere Don BoscoRe di RomaRione TestaccioRoma MirtiRoma OstienseRoma TreSan GiovanniSan Giovanni in LateranoSan LorenzoSan PaoloSan PietroStadio OlimpicoStazione TerminiTempio MaggioreTerme di CaracallaTestaccioTiburtinaTor PignattaraTorrino - Fonte OstienseUniversità SapienzaVal D'AlaValle AureliaVaticanoVia Attilio AmbrosiniVia Cassia NuovaVia Cortina d'AmpezzoVia Cristoforo ColomboVia dei Campi SportiviVia del Foro ItalicoVia delle FornaciVia delle Mura AurelieVia di Acqua BullicanteVia di PortonaccioVia FlaminiaViale EritreaViale GottardoViale Guglielmo MarconiViale Isacco NewtonViale ParioliViale Regina MargheritaViale SomaliaViale TizianoViale Tor di QuintoVia PortuenseVia TiburtinaVia TuscolanaVia Val D'OssolaVia VenetoVilla BorgheseVilla GiuliaVilla GloriVilla PamphiliVilla Sciarra

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